On this National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada, the Federation of Muslim Women (FMW) remembers the 14 murdered young women in the Montreal Massacre, whose lives were cut short senselessly in a heinous act of gender-based violence and the 582 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada. FMW calls upon all Canadians to reflect upon gender-based violence and to remember all Women who have suffered and died as a result.
FMW is committed to voice its outrage against violence and supports initiatives that mobilize collective efforts. Therefore, FMW supports Muslims for White Ribbon (“MFWR”). MFWR is an organization that is dedicated to end violence against women and propagate the preservation of fundamental human rights for all women, which include the right to life, liberty, security and human dignity. “These are values we as an organization share,” states the president, Dr. Salha Jeizan. FMW condemns any assault carried out against these fundamental rights. FMW calls upon all Canadians from every walk of life to organize and take action because FMW believes that violence against women have negative ramifications for families and communities which eventually destroys the fabric of our society. FMW therefore urges every Canadian to break the silence now, stand up, speak out and take action. This is a small step towards a greater change; going forward greater activism is needed to eradicate all forms of violence against women.
FMW recently took action against gender based violence and released a position statement that calls for the mobilization of Canadian Muslims to raise their voice against sexual assault and gender based violence. Over 44 faith leaders, organizations and concerned individuals have signed on.
1. The Federation of Muslim Women/La Fédération des Femmes Musulmanes (FMW) is a registered not-for-profit organization established in 1997 formed primarily to address issues faced by Muslim women in Canada. FMW is a volunteer driven organization.
2. For the FMW Position Statement on Sexual Assault click here.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Rabia Khedr on (905) 270-9679 or rabia@fmw.org